coming soon!
coming soon!
coming soon!
coming soon!
Another new skill in the making - after realising just how different and totally amazing 'local' honey (versus commercial) tastes. We were lucky to meet a local beekeeper some years ago (when he came to clean our oven) and have kept in touch ever since.
Another new skill in the making - after realising just how different and totally amazing 'local' honey (versus commercial) tastes. We were lucky to meet a local beekeeper some years ago (when he came to clean our oven) and have kept in touch ever since.
Turns out, you can't have enough fruit frees. The new tree is already perking up and has fruit on it - if we even get to taste a handful of black juicy cherries this year (the variety is called 'Sunburst') then I'll be happy!
Turns out, you can't have enough fruit frees. The new tree is already perking up and has fruit on it - if we even get to taste a handful of black juicy cherries this year (the variety is called 'Sunburst') then I'll be happy!
As we lowered the level of the driveway considerably, there was quite a bit of exposed soil at the front of the garden. This time developing his garden rockery building skills, Peter and I (and Phoebe and the dogs) salvaged 'cotswolds stones' from various fields around our house (and saved hundreds v. ordering a big bag from a local supplier).
As we lowered the level of the driveway considerably, there was quite a bit of exposed soil at the front of the garden. This time developing his garden rockery building skills, Peter and I (and Phoebe and the dogs) salvaged 'cotswolds stones' from various fields around our house (and saved hundreds v. ordering a big bag from a local supplier).
Baby no.2 arrived at home as well, this time so quickly that Peter had to catch her in the bathroom and the midwives arrived later. Her big sister quite liked her from the beginning and thought it was great fun to rummage around the midwive's bags.
Baby no.2 arrived at home as well, this time so quickly that Peter had to catch her in the bathroom and the midwives arrived later. Her big sister quite liked her from the beginning and thought it was great fun to rummage around the midwive's bags.
With the sad shrubs gone, we wanted to simplify our planting (but make it productive) along our fence. We've decided to try an apple (a variety called 'Red Devil') and a green grape (marketed as 'bursting with sweetness'). In a few years we'll get to taste the results.
With the sad shrubs gone, we wanted to simplify our planting (but make it productive) along our fence. We've decided to try an apple (a variety called 'Red Devil') and a green grape (marketed as 'bursting with sweetness'). In a few years we'll get to taste the results.
With the utility pole gone and plans to eventually extend the garage, we removed several tonnes of clay soil from the driveway (along with more unsightly shrubs). Phoebe loved helping in the digger and the final result opened up the front of the property immensely.
With the utility pole gone and plans to eventually extend the garage, we removed several tonnes of clay soil from the driveway (along with more unsightly shrubs). Phoebe loved helping in the digger and the final result opened up the front of the property immensely.
Settled back home after a fun summer, we decided it was now or never to get another dog (and Bentley's eventual wifey). Although we considered another black lab, we went with a local breeder who had a gorgeous litter of fox red labradors.
Settled back home after a fun summer, we decided it was now or never to get another dog (and Bentley's eventual wifey). Although we considered another black lab, we went with a local breeder who had a gorgeous litter of fox red labradors.
We love a roadtrip and wanted to share some of the beauty of our favourite spots in Europe with the girls. Of course, Bentley got to come along and we stopped off to see family in Germany and Slovakia, before enjoying beach time in Croatia and lots of amazing pizza in Italy.
We love a roadtrip and wanted to share some of the beauty of our favourite spots in Europe with the girls. Of course, Bentley got to come along and we stopped off to see family in Germany and Slovakia, before enjoying beach time in Croatia and lots of amazing pizza in Italy.
After months of preparation and exploration, we said 'I do' for a second time, this time as Catholics. I had always joked to Peter that I would like to marry him all over again, and less than 3 years after our first wedding in Scotland, I got to do just that.
After months of preparation and exploration, we said 'I do' for a second time, this time as Catholics. I had always joked to Peter that I would like to marry him all over again, and less than 3 years after our first wedding in Scotland, I got to do just that.
Although we had opened up the kitchen, we wanted to close it off just enough to feel cosy. A traditional oak beam was just the ticket and Peter used this project to master his joinery skills. It took three strapping guys to lift that beast into place!
Although we had opened up the kitchen, we wanted to close it off just enough to feel cosy. A traditional oak beam was just the ticket and Peter used this project to master his joinery skills. It took three strapping guys to lift that beast into place!
As part of the solar system installation, we had to make room inside (by our fuse box) for the solar convertors. The perfect timing to rip apart the old boot room, take down another wall, install new flooring and an oak beam as well. Finally, a pretty (and practical) entranceway.
As part of the solar system installation, we had to make room inside (by our fuse box) for the solar convertors. The perfect timing to rip apart the old boot room, take down another wall, install new flooring and an oak beam as well. Finally, a pretty (and practical) entranceway.
With the prices of electricity going steadily up and our current tariff soon coming to an end, we (fairly spontaneously) decided to buy and install (ourselves) a solar system for the front (south facing) roof of the house. We had never planned to get solar panels before, but wanted to do what we could to protect our energy supply and reduce our monthly bills. up with 9 in total, all allowed under permitted development rights due to their size and distance from the roof tiles.
With the prices of electricity going steadily up and our current tariff soon coming to an end, we (fairly spontaneously) decided to buy and install (ourselves) a solar system for the front (south facing) roof of the house. We had never planned to get solar panels before, but wanted to do what we could to protect our energy supply and reduce our monthly bills. up with 9 in total, all allowed under permitted development rights due to their size and distance from the roof tiles.
Three little pigs - Rosita, Porkie and Ginger- were collected in our old volvo (what a workhouse that car has been!) and soon settled into their new home. Despite being marketed as 'grazing pigs' who don't 'root' and turn the soil, we quickly found their run very muddy. Like all breeds, they ate like pigs of course and we didn't have any food waste.
Three little pigs - Rosita, Porkie and Ginger- were collected in our old volvo (what a workhouse that car has been!) and soon settled into their new home. Despite being marketed as 'grazing pigs' who don't 'root' and turn the soil, we quickly found their run very muddy. Like all breeds, they ate like pigs of course and we didn't have any food waste.
Pigs? Why not! After taking the plunge with chickens, we wanted to explore animal husbandry a bit more and stumbled upon Kune Kune pigs. We agreed the rental of a small strip of land from a neighbour and set about using up all our old scraps of wood (and the previous front fencing pickets) to build them an enclosure and house.
Pigs? Why not! After taking the plunge with chickens, we wanted to explore animal husbandry a bit more and stumbled upon Kune Kune pigs. We agreed the rental of a small strip of land from a neighbour and set about using up all our old scraps of wood (and the previous front fencing pickets) to build them an enclosure and house.
Gradually replacing all the tired and crooked fencing around the property was an ongoing focus for us, but it took time given how long the property is. The back fence was rebuilt in oak as well, to match a lovely old oak gate that a neighbour kindly gifted us.
Gradually replacing all the tired and crooked fencing around the property was an ongoing focus for us, but it took time given how long the property is. The back fence was rebuilt in oak as well, to match a lovely old oak gate that a neighbour kindly gifted us.
The second time around we got hatching eggs from somewhere new and enjoyed greater success! We ended up with a good mix of buff orpingtons and plymouth barred rock chickens- both good layers. We even ended up with a blue egg layer (called Kiwi).
The second time around we got hatching eggs from somewhere new and enjoyed greater success! We ended up with a good mix of buff orpingtons and plymouth barred rock chickens- both good layers. We even ended up with a blue egg layer (called Kiwi).
In contrast to the new oak island, the kitchen counter and stainless steel sink looked even more out of place. Luckily, Peter designed the cabinets himself so we got the belfast sink (and brass taps) of our dreams, while fitting in a slimline dishwasher and very trim spice cabinet.
In contrast to the new oak island, the kitchen counter and stainless steel sink looked even more out of place. Luckily, Peter designed the cabinets himself so we got the belfast sink (and brass taps) of our dreams, while fitting in a slimline dishwasher and very trim spice cabinet.
After looking into what it would cost us to buy a decent looking kitchen island to fit our space (where the wall had been in the kitchen), Peter decided to use reclaimed oak beams to build it himself. Yes, it weighs a ton but it has so much character and houses all our spare appliances/wine collection.
After looking into what it would cost us to buy a decent looking kitchen island to fit our space (where the wall had been in the kitchen), Peter decided to use reclaimed oak beams to build it himself. Yes, it weighs a ton but it has so much character and houses all our spare appliances/wine collection.
Although we liked the cosy kitchen, it felt too old fashioned with the tiny butlers hatch into the living room. Knocking it down was dusty work and for a while the fridge lived in the living room, but the end result of an open space was worth.
Although we liked the cosy kitchen, it felt too old fashioned with the tiny butlers hatch into the living room. Knocking it down was dusty work and for a while the fridge lived in the living room, but the end result of an open space was worth.
Since moving in, we had been chasing the owner of the utility pole in our front garden (not the best view) to come and remove it. After much back and forth, this process finally started and we were also able to remove the vicious holly which had been growing beside it. Suddenly, we had room to park all the cars!
Since moving in, we had been chasing the owner of the utility pole in our front garden (not the best view) to come and remove it. After much back and forth, this process finally started and we were also able to remove the vicious holly which had been growing beside it. Suddenly, we had room to park all the cars!
Spending the first early hours as a mum lying beside our new wood burning stove felt pretty lovely. We were lucky to get the home birth that we wanted and Phoebe Lydia Jane Krupa was born without any complications in our bedroom!
Spending the first early hours as a mum lying beside our new wood burning stove felt pretty lovely. We were lucky to get the home birth that we wanted and Phoebe Lydia Jane Krupa was born without any complications in our bedroom!
To compliment the more traditional look of our new fireplace, we replaced the internal door from the living room to the boot room with an oak farmhouse door. We decided to stain it and use traditional black hinges too (after much debate of course)
To compliment the more traditional look of our new fireplace, we replaced the internal door from the living room to the boot room with an oak farmhouse door. We decided to stain it and use traditional black hinges too (after much debate of course)
Fast approaching the shortest day, we managed to rebuild the living room fireplace - with reclaimed brick and a pretty powerful log burning stove. We were fortunate that our neighbours were willing to lend us their roofing ladders and lend a hand when I wasn't strong enough to pull the flue down the chimney!
Fast approaching the shortest day, we managed to rebuild the living room fireplace - with reclaimed brick and a pretty powerful log burning stove. We were fortunate that our neighbours were willing to lend us their roofing ladders and lend a hand when I wasn't strong enough to pull the flue down the chimney!
Another labor of love (and much needed, as the front fence was pretty much falling down and the last owner apparently used to remove sections of it at a time so he could weed the front garden) under much better weather conditions. We both spent countless hours painting the 150 ish front fence pickets with linseed oil paint...
Another labor of love (and much needed, as the front fence was pretty much falling down and the last owner apparently used to remove sections of it at a time so he could weed the front garden) under much better weather conditions. We both spent countless hours painting the 150 ish front fence pickets with linseed oil paint...
After getting the chickens secure in their new enclosed area, it was time to replace the tired fencing at this corner of our property. Of course, it took longer than expected and Peter spent countless hours in the rain trying to remove the old fencing posts before he could erect the brand new fence.
After getting the chickens secure in their new enclosed area, it was time to replace the tired fencing at this corner of our property. Of course, it took longer than expected and Peter spent countless hours in the rain trying to remove the old fencing posts before he could erect the brand new fence.
What a surprise! Finding a big box on our dining room table with a brand new beautiful 'bluebell' hen inside was just the kind of birthday present I had hoped for! Picked out by the girls at our local garden center (which also conveniently sells chickens).
What a surprise! Finding a big box on our dining room table with a brand new beautiful 'bluebell' hen inside was just the kind of birthday present I had hoped for! Picked out by the girls at our local garden center (which also conveniently sells chickens).
With a funny high ceiling, the second bedroom in our house screamed potential, and the only way to achieve it was to put in a mezzanine floor. The girls did request a slide instead of stairs, but settled for some cool night lights instead.
With a funny high ceiling, the second bedroom in our house screamed potential, and the only way to achieve it was to put in a mezzanine floor. The girls did request a slide instead of stairs, but settled for some cool night lights instead.
As pullets (chickens almost ready to lay their first eggs) were getting more and more expensive, we decided to get a cheap incubator and try hatching our own eggs. In this first attempt, we only ended up with 3 chicks (2 of which were cockerels in the end!)
As pullets (chickens almost ready to lay their first eggs) were getting more and more expensive, we decided to get a cheap incubator and try hatching our own eggs. In this first attempt, we only ended up with 3 chicks (2 of which were cockerels in the end!)
3 days of constant back and forth in our old volvo and tiny toyota yaris, we finally moved in to our new home. The poor chickens got quite a shock when we managed to move their whole coop (with the help of 4 other men) with them inside - and they woke up somewhere brand new!
3 days of constant back and forth in our old volvo and tiny toyota yaris, we finally moved in to our new home. The poor chickens got quite a shock when we managed to move their whole coop (with the help of 4 other men) with them inside - and they woke up somewhere brand new!
You guessed it, a puppy! Despite initially pining after golden retrievers, we couldn't resist this little black pup, especially as we knew he would make a great country dog (and not be so difficult to keep clean after long walks in the fields).
Getting married up in the Scottish highlands was a great adventure and marked a new beginning for both of us. As man and wife, it was finally time for the next step...
Getting married up in the Scottish highlands was a great adventure and marked a new beginning for both of us. As man and wife, it was finally time for the next step...
Our house search for a countryside base was all inspired by the chickens and how much we longed for more space to let them free range (and start growing more fruit and veg ourselves, after managing with potted strawberries and blackcurrants for some time). Stonesthrow was meant to be - a bungalow with potential, backing onto endless fields.
Our house search for a countryside base was all inspired by the chickens and how much we longed for more space to let them free range (and start growing more fruit and veg ourselves, after managing with potted strawberries and blackcurrants for some time). Stonesthrow was meant to be - a bungalow with potential, backing onto endless fields.
We researched lots of chicken breeds and definitely wanted good layers. However, having young kids also meant we were swayed by the cuteness of bantams. In the end, we all got a chicken each (and one spare) - two light Sussex, a french copper maran, and two pekin bantams. As we got them young, they all got along just fine.
We researched lots of chicken breeds and definitely wanted good layers. However, having young kids also meant we were swayed by the cuteness of bantams. In the end, we all got a chicken each (and one spare) - two light Sussex, a french copper maran, and two pekin bantams. As we got them young, they all got along just fine.
Everyone needed a lockdown project and ours was backyard chickens. After searching online to try to find a coop we could buy that looked half decent, we decided the only way to get a good looking coop was to make one ourselves! After all, it was going to sit right opposite our front door.
Everyone needed a lockdown project and ours was backyard chickens. After searching online to try to find a coop we could buy that looked half decent, we decided the only way to get a good looking coop was to make one ourselves! After all, it was going to sit right opposite our front door.
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