The Team

Peter - the male

The Husband (aka. Boss)


Elizabeth - the female

The Wife (aka. Wannabe Boss)


A reluctant baker and ruthless sorter-outer (of other people’s things, mostly), still trying to figure out if wellie boots really do go with everything...

Maybelle - the baby

The Tiny One (aka. The Baby)


Happiest when the milk bar is open and is quite partial to an alfresco meal when walking across the fields with her two doggies

Phoebe - the todler

The Trouble (aka. Chicken wrangler)


Very keen to help and even more keen to cuddle a chicken, this little girl doesn’t go to bed without kissing her dogs first

Mia - the teenager

The Teenager 1 (aka. The wild twin)


The one who loves Bentley the most (we all agree) and never hesitant to help stacking wood or having an impromptu dance party in the back of the car. Will spend hours on the trampoline under she sprains something and needs a nap in the hammock

Eliza - the teenager

The Teenager 2 (aka. The calm twin)


The artist who loves to decorate the house, from tiny frames, canvases and cards, to handmade trikes for her baby sis. Very partial to a chicken cuddle, especially when they snuggle under her jumper. Top cookie baker

Bentley - the labrador

The Stinky boy (aka. The Stud)


The most handsome boy we know, who travels so well in the car we almost didn’t mind spending £1K to get him to Italy

Enza - the labrador

The Stinky girl (aka. Tiny dog)


A funny fox red lady who turns 1 this July. Generally accepted to be socially awkward and a bottomless pit

Rosita - the pig

Top Pig (aka. RIP)


Named for the pig from Sing, of course. The prettiest of the three little pigs

Porkie - the pig

Pushy Pig (aka. RIP)


Surprisingly strong and very curious about what’s in your pockets...

Ginger - the pig

Greedy Pig (aka. RIP)


Quick to steal a snack and retreat to her little nest to eat it alone

Bees - too many to name

The Beehive

Busy Bees

Fuzzy buzzy bees, make us honey please

Debbie - the chicken

Top Chicken


Top from the very beginning and one of the original Light Sussex chickens

Lilou - the chicken

The French Girl


A funny french name for a classy french gal. One of our most reliable layers and still looking good despite her age

Suzy - the chicken

The Bluebell


A birthday present named after my mum, who made the mistake of telling me she didn’t like any of the chicken’s names...

The cockerel - the male feminist

The male feminist

The Cockerel 

Also known as ‘Wendy 2.0’ after our lovely silkie hen who was unfortunately taken by a fox. Sold to us as a hen, this guy is the funniest looking thing we have ever let live...

Munchkin - the chicken

The Bald Spot


Bottom of the pecking order, this little pekin bantam has almost lost all her head feathers twice, after getting bullied by the other birds

Chip - the chicken

Buff Orpington


One of the buff orpington eggs which we successfully hatched after loving this traditional English breed. Lays giant double yolkers!

Dot - the chicken

The Wanderer


A mix of a buff orpington with something else, this bird wanders right out to the field behind our house and miraculously is still alive

Jeff - the chicken

The Ladyboy


A friend’s son asked to name a chicken, so naturally we ended up with a good strong name for this good strong girl

Pigeon - the chicken

The second hatchling


Another bird we hatched - called Pigeon because she reminded us all of their colouring and we were running out of food names for birds

Fred - the chicken

The third hatchling


Another hatchling who had a ‘twin’ that we called George (for the Weasley twins). George was taken by the fox, so now Fred is a lone wolf.


The Old Lady


Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec.


The Nervous One


Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec.




Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec.

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